mercredi 24 avril 2013

Boston, terrorisme et réfugiés politiques

 Lorsqu'on abordait la réforme de l'immigration dernièrement il était rarement question de la politique à l'égard des réfugiés. Les incidents de Boston viennent de changer la donne...

 "The two suspects in the case, Dzokhar Tsarnaev and Tamewrlan Tsarnaev, reportedly arrived in the United States as refugees when they were children, meaning there’s little chance a background check at that point could have caught anything potentially threatening in their past. But the broader system is still being brought up as a concern.

 Refugee policy is not a major plank of the immigration bill, which does far more to overhaul the employment and family visa system and to adjust the status of existing undocumented immigrants. But it would add a few tweaks championed by human rights groups that would make it easier for certain immigrants to apply for asylum status.

 At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration reform legislation Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) pressed Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano over whether the refugee and asylum visa system was secure, adding he had heard concerns the bill “would weaken asylum law.” Other senators, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), one of the authors of the immigration bill, also asked Napolitano to elaborate on refugee and asylum procedures in light of the attack.

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