lundi 22 avril 2013

Justin Trudeau dans le New York Times

 Un topo qui m'avait échappé...

 "HE is young, handsome, charismatic and married to a glamorous woman, and he draws overflow crowds at political rallies. He also carries the name of an earlier Canadian political figure who once fit the same description.

Justin Trudeau became the leader of the Liberal Party on Sunday, 45 years and one week after his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, claimed a similar political victory. But the parallels between father and son may end there.

 If he is to become prime minister like his father, Mr. Trudeau will have to grapple with a name that remains polarizing in Canada and show a skeptical public that he has his father’s substance as well as his flash. He faces a country where political dynasties are rare and, at best, viewed with suspicion. And while his father led the Liberal Party at a high point of its fortunes, Mr. Trudeau will take over a much diminished version that, for the first time in its history, fell into third place during the last federal election.

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