mardi 24 décembre 2013

Joyeux Noël!

 Christmas homecoming (1948)

Un classique américain pour un carnet web sur la politique et l'histoire américaines. Un très joyeux Noël pour tous ceux et celles qui ont fréquenté mon carnet au cours de la dernière année!

Caricature Mandela: la barre est haute pour les successeurs...


L'Évangile selon Marie (New York Times)

Texte intéressant de Joe Nocera dans le New York Times de ce matin. Utilisation des documents de Nag Hammadi qui ne se trouvent pas dans le Nouveau Testament...

 "In addition to his responsibilities at the church in Philadelphia, however, Taussig is a professor of biblical literature at Union Theological Seminary in New York. One of his areas of expertise is those early Christian texts that are not part of the New Testament. Along with Karen King of Harvard Divinity School and others, he has championed the idea that the Gnostic Gospels were not necessarily heretical but were rather were an example of the diversity of thought and ideas that Christians were grappling with in the first and second centuries. Many of the academics who study these texts no longer use the term “gnostic” because of its connotation of heresy.

 What’s more, Taussig believes that many of these texts are, in their own way, scriptural, as worthy of meditation and prayer as the texts in the 27 books of the New Testament. He often preaches from the early Christian texts. And in February 2012, he and a group of nationally known spiritual leaders and scholars got together in New Orleans to conduct an interesting exercise: to choose texts that might integrate well with the New Testament itself. They chose 10 of them, and the results were published in a book entitled “A New New Testament.” Earlier this year, the book landed on my desk, which is how I stumbled across Taussig and his work.

 Those early Christian texts can seem quite astonishing. Several of them are told from the point of view of a woman, something that is not true of any of the New Testament. The Gospel of Mary, for instance, tells the story of Mary Magdalene, “who is portrayed as one of Jesus’s closest associates,” as Taussig writes in an introduction to that gospel, and has been given teachings from Jesus that she passes on to his male disciples. A second book that is written mostly in the female voice is “The Thunder: Perfect Mind.” A poetic work, what is particularly amazing about it is that the female voice is that of the deity Herself."

Caricature comptes de Noël


Caricature Père Noël sous observation


Caricature Obamacare en cadeau!


lundi 23 décembre 2013

Caricature Mikhaïl Kalachnikov est mort


Caricature Noël au Congrès

Caricature de RJ MATSON, ROLL CALL

Obamacare plonge encore dans les sondages

Une année 2013 très difficile pour Obama, il n'y aurait plus que 35% des américains en faveur de l'Affordable care act.

 "Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "That's bad news for an administration that is reaching out to moms across the country in an effort to make Obamacare a success."

Barack Obama et Lyndon Johnson: des leçons du passé?

Le Président Obama n'est pas le premier à être confronté à un Congrès hostile. Sa relation avec le Speaker John Boehner est tendue et on peine à faire avancer l'agenda législatif. Il y a cinquante ans Lyndon Johnson faisait face à Charles Halleck dans une situation similaire. Obama devrait-il s'inspirer de son prédécesseur démocrate?

 "“Well, I’ll be damned!” Johnson exclaimed when his congressional liaison, Larry O’Brien, gave him the news. He had already decided on a battle plan, calling out to his wife, “Bird! Let’s have Congress over tonight!”

 So at 5 p.m., just as the black crepe of mourning for President John F. Kennedy was coming down after 30 days, and Christmas greenery was going up, Johnson welcomed more than 200 members to the East Room for a bourbon-and-eggnog reception, lighting a big yule log in the fireplace himself. Then he stood up on a small gilt chair and apologized to Charlie Halleck, “if anyone down here said anything ugly about you.” “We’re Americans first,” he added. “I hope we can disagree without being disagreeable.” The foreign aid bill passed the next morning, in a special 7 a.m. vote in the House. “At that moment,” Johnson would later recall, “the power of the government began flowing back to the White House.”

Caricature pape François: une vision du monde...


Caricature Obama part pour Hawaï!


dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Caricature selfie de Noël


Caricature Père Noël et conditions climatiques


Caricature Santa Poutine


Edgar M. Bronfman (1929-2013): portrait dans le New York Times

Milliardaire, philanthropie et ardent défenseur des juifs, Edgard M. Bronfman est né à Montréal. Ce matin le New York Times souligne son décès.

 Je retiens ce passage:

"Mr. Bronfman shrugged off criticism from those who feared that his aggressive tactics were risking an anti-Semitic backlash. “The answer isn’t to say, ‘Don’t make trouble,’ and hide our heads in the sand,” he wrote in his 1998 memoir, “Good Spirits: The Making of a Businessman.” “We may not earn the friendship of others, but we will demand their respect.”"

Plus d'élèves, moins de profs: la logique comptable...

Si la récession pouvait justifier certaines coupures au sein du personnel des écoles, la situation économique a évolué, mais pas le nombre d'enseignants. Toujours faire plus avec moins? Aux États-Unis aussi le message officiel est qu'une bonne éducation est si importante...

 "Across the country, public schools employ about 250,000 fewer people than before the recession, according to figures from the Labor Department. Enrollment in public schools, meanwhile, has increased by more than 800,000 students. To maintain prerecession staffing ratios, public school employment should have actually grown by about 132,000 jobs in the past four years, in addition to replacing those that were lost, said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington."

Armes à feu et maladie mentale: les limites du deuxième amendement

Un homme souffrant de schizophrénie, traité en institution et médicamenté peut-il posséder des armes à feu? Oui. Même si la police a pu saisir les armes de l'individu qui menaçait de tuer sa mère si on s'emparait de ses armes, il semble qu'il pourra bientôt en reprendre possession. Une autre délicate question dans le débat entourant le contrôle des armes à feu.

 "The Russo case highlights a central, unresolved issue in the debate over balancing public safety and the Second Amendment right to bear arms: just how powerless law enforcement can be when it comes to keeping firearms out of the hands of people who are mentally ill.

 Connecticut’s law giving the police broad leeway to seize and hold guns for up to a year is actually relatively strict. Most states simply adhere to the federal standard, banning gun possession only after someone is involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility or designated as mentally ill or incompetent after a court proceeding or other formal legal process. Relatively few with mental health issues, even serious ones, reach this point.

 As a result, the police often find themselves grappling with legal ambiguities when they encounter mentally unstable people with guns, unsure how far they can go in searching for and seizing firearms and then, in particular, how they should respond when the owners want them back.

 “There is a big gap in the law,” said Jeffrey Furbee, the chief legal adviser to the Police Department in Columbus, Ohio. “There is no common-sense middle ground to protect the public.”

samedi 21 décembre 2013

Duck Dynasty et Rosa Parks????

Il y des moments où je dois pincer en lisant certaines déclarations de politiciens américains... Comment peut-on associer la démarche de Rosa Parks à celle de Phil Robertson? Le patriarche de la célèbre famille de la série Dick Dynasty serait un héros pour les chrétiens comme Rosa Parks l'a été pour la cause des droits civiques... On brime vraiment les droits des chrétiens aux États-Unis? La constitution les prive du droit de vote et de la plein jouissance de leurs libertés? je veux bien comprendre la récupération politique, mais il y a des limites à refaire l'histoire et à dire des bêtises.

 ""To me, not knowing him, it is clear that he wanted to expose the, what I call, persecution of people who are open Christians. What better way to do it than in an open interview not on your television show so A&E can't argue some breach of contract," Republican Ian Bayne told TPM in a phone interview Friday."

Caricature les Rois mages et le patriot act


Caricature Sarah Palin à la rescousse de Duck Dynasty!


vendredi 20 décembre 2013

Sécurité nationale et respect de la vie privée: le dilemme d'Obama

Obama appliquera-t-il les suggestions concernant la NSA qu'on vient tout juste de déposer sur son bureau? Il s'engage à s'exprimer sur le sujet en janvier.

 "For Mr. Obama — who in the past five years has grown dependent on the N.S.A. for countering terrorist threats, and dependent on Cyber Command for buying time to deal with Iran and other long-term adversaries — the choices he makes in the next few weeks may well define America’s approach to national security long after his term is over.

 But it is a major balancing act between a security system that he has come to depend on and principles of privacy that he has said are dear to him.

 One of the five experts in the advisory group, Michael Morell, says the task is possible. “We are not in any way recommending the disarming of the intelligence community,” said Mr. Morell, who retired over the summer as deputy director of the C.I.A."

NSA et chansons de Noël: les grands classiques!


Bobby Jindal se porte à la défense de Phil Robertson

Anecdotique la suspension de Phil Robertson par la chaîne A&E? Peut-être, mais le gouverneur de l'état où se déroule l'émission Duck Dynsaty, la Louisiane, a jugé nécessaire d'intervenir dans le dossier. Bobby Jindal est souvent mentionné dans la liste de candidats potentiels pour l'élection présidentielle de 2016 du côté des républicains. Jindal avait créé une controverse l'an dernier en affirmant que le GOP devait cesser d'être le le "parti de la stupidité".

 “Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana. The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with,” Jindal said in a statement released by his office. “I don’t agree with quite a bit of stuff I read in magazine interviews or see on TV. In fact, come to think of it, I find a good bit of it offensive. But I also acknowledge that this is a free country and everyone is entitled to express their views.”

Caricature Duc Dynasty ou duck tape: les droits de Phil Robertson bafoués?


 Si les activistes en faveur des droits des gais et lesbiennes sont satisfaits de la suspension imposée à Phil Robertson après ses propos très durs sur les gais, ils sont plusieurs à dénoncer le choix de la chaîne A&E. A-t-on entravé sa liberté d'expression?

Caricature Duck Dynasty: contents là?


 Après ses propos homophobes (homosexualité et terrorisme sont associés), Phil Robertson a été suspendu de la série Duck Dynasty. "Heureusement" Sarah Palin s'est porté à la défense de Robertson...

Caricature pape des pauvres


 Le pape François aura marqué l'année 2013 autant par ses paroles que par ses gestes

jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Candy Crush and et Chris Christie

Un lien entre le jeu Candy Crush et la carrière politique du gouverneur du New Jersey Chris Christie? La "théorie" de Gail Collins dans le New York Times!

 "Now, here’s the thing. Candy Crush is free, but if you get stuck on a level, you can purchase extra moves, extra turns, extra weapons. The creators — a London-based company called King — won’t reveal how much money they make on this gimmick, but the consulting firm Think Gaming estimates it’s more than $900,000 a day.

 What would people do if they actually had a chance of winning something? This brings us to Chris Christie. Earlier this year, Governor Christie signed a bill legalizing Internet gambling in New Jersey. The idea was to help resuscitate the Atlantic City economy and raise a projected $150 million in tax revenue. Very few people believe the state will really make that much, but the number did help Christie to run for re-election waving what appeared to be a balanced budget.

The law went into effect a few weeks ago. Now, state residents can go online, create an account with one of the sponsoring casinos, and gamble on all the casino games — blackjack, poker, slot machines, etc. — in the comfort of their homes.

 How many of you think this is a good plan?

 So far, New Jerseyites have created more than 90,000 casino accounts even though many banks and credit card companies are wary of getting involved. You know that it’s quickly going to get easier and easier to play, and that more and more states will want to get in the act, sniffing those new tax dollars.

Hillary Clinton annoncera ses intentions en 2014

On a jamais vraiment cessé de s'interroger sur une possible candidature d'Hillary Clinton pour la présidentielle de 2016. L'annonce officielle se fera en 2014.

 "“I will look carefully at what I think I can do and make that decision sometime next year,” Clinton told ABC’s Barbara Walters in an interview that aired Wednesday night."

Caricature Target et fraude informatique: une clientèle "ciblée"


Caricature Edward Snowden et évolution de la perception


Caricature NSA et bonne année... 1984!!!


 Bien sûr en référence au roman de George Orwell 1984 publié en 1949.

mercredi 18 décembre 2013

Chronique à Radio-Canada cet après-midi

La chronique débute à 17h49 sur l'audio fil du 18 décembre:

Caricature Poutine et Ianoukovytch selfie


Caricature Kim Jong-un et le renforcement positif...


Barack Obama cancre des Présidents pour la cinquième année d'une présidence?

Le Président Obama est au plus bas dans les sondages présentement et sa cinquième année à la tête du pays est particulièrement difficile. Un sondage Washington Post/ABC news révèle ce matin qu'il a perdu 11 points depuis l'an dernier (

 Comment se compare-t-il avec d'autres Présidents dans l'histoire pour cette première année d'un second mandat? Des historiens se penchent sur cette question et leurs réponses sont parfois étonnantes. Obama trouvera peut-être un certain réconfort dans le fait que C'est Franklin Delano Roosevelt, pour plusieurs le plus grand Président du vingtième siècle), qui a vécu la pire cinquième année de présidence...

 "In 1937, the greatest president of the twentieth century suffered the worst fifth year in presidential history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s effort to reform the Supreme Court was denounced as “court-packing” and cost him nearly all the momentum he had gained in his huge reelection victory. And then the economy tanked, undoing most of the progress that had been made against the Great Depression. The Roosevelt magic was gone; even Democrats began turning against him. If World War II hadn’t given him another chance, he would be remembered today as a mediocre president at best."

 Le lien pour cet article fort intéressant:

Caricature snowbama!


Caricature NSA et Liberty bell


mardi 17 décembre 2013

Nathan Bedford Forrest High School change de nom. Pourquoi?

Pourquoi ce changement de nom ou pourquoi s'y intéresser? Probablement parce que c'est étonnant qu'une école secondaire du sud porte toujours le nom d'un des premiers leaders du Ku Klux Klan! 60% de la clientèle actuelle de l'école est noire. Un changement évident? Pas pour des confédérés qui s'opposent au projet. Ajoutons encore un peu plus de piquant à cette histoire en mentionnant qu'un des opposants, et activiste confédéré, est noir...

 "As the school board worked up to Monday's vote, opposition in Jacksonville was also voiced by H.K. Edgerton, a black "Confederate activist" whose Georgia-based organization, Southern Heritage 411, was founded to "inform the public about Southern Heritage from the perspective of the hundreds of thousands of black people who love and support the South, its people, its customs, and its history."

 Edgerton has been busy in the Jacksonville area lately. A few weeks ago, he was in the news for attending a public meeting in Lake City, Fla. concerning a Union monument proposed for the Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park. At that meeting, Edgerton led opponents of the project in a rendition of "Dixie" while he waved a large Confederate flag.

 Edgerton told TPM on Monday that he had been in Florida again last week. Last Wednesday, he demonstrated outside Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, and he was joined by several members of the the Sons of Confederate veterans.

War on Christmas: une histoire

Beau petit topo sur sur ce débat qui "fait rage" chez nos voisins du sud. Y-a-t'il une "guerre contre Noël"? En quoi consiste-t-elle? Cette menace qui pèse contre Noël depuis neuf ou dix ans a aussi des antécédents.

 "Today’s War Over Christmas still revolves around department stores, and focuses on the rise of “Happy Holidays” and “Holiday Trees.” And it remains alert to an internal enemy poised to stab America in the back. But like everything else, the War Over Christmas has become tarted up, 24-houred and Twitterized—even as it has grown drearily routine, an annual pageant in which culture warriors line the trenches and, like mechanical toy soldiers in a shopping-mall display, fix bayonets and wage the same battle all over again."

Qu'est qu'un bon enseignant? Documentaire "The new republic"

 Une fois de plus un article intéressant sur la pédagogie et le rôle des enseignants. Un documentaire qui n'est pas dénué d'intérêt. Un documentaire qui présente l'intérieur d'une classe, mais qui se dirige aussi vers la vie des élèves à l'extérieur de l'école. Comment peut-on rejoindre nos élèves? Le documentaire connait une grande popularité au sein du corps professoral et on l'utilise maintenant dans la formation des enseignants.

 "Partly this is because it is the rare film that sympathetically conveys how hard it is to be a teacher in an inner-city school. “The New Public” not only shows what goes on in the classroom — which can be rough if the teacher can’t manage the classroom — but she also goes into the homes of the students she has focused on. There, the odds that the students are trying to overcome are made abundantly clear.

 But it is also because the movie is an unwitting primer on how to teach disadvantaged students. There are teachers in the movie who know how to connect with their students, and teachers who don’t. Teachers College at Columbia University liked the film so much that it is creating a companion curriculum, so the film can be used to help train teachers. Until Gunther’s movie came along, Teachers College used to show “The Wire” to give prospective teachers a feel for what it’s like to teach in a disadvantaged community.

Homeland denier épisode de la saison 3: critique dans le New York Times

J'aime bien l'allusion à la série "24" dans cet article, mais on ne regarde pas ces deux séries pour les même raisons. Dans le premier cas c'est surtout le suspense, l'action continue et la "réflexion" sur le recours à la torture qui me captivaient, alors que pour Homeland les personnages sont plus étoffés, un rythme plus lent, mais une psychologie plus développée. Dans les deux cas cependant, je suis fasciné par la récupération de l'actualité. "24" a largement bénéficié des retombées de la guerre au terrorisme à une époque où l'administration Bush justifiait plusieurs de ses politiques par la peur. Homeland m'a impressionné par la richesse des situations inspirées des relations avec l'Iran. Au moins deux de mes chroniques à Radio-canada pouvaient se retrouver dans des épisodes de la série. On ne se demande plus pourquoi la Maison Blanche fait parfois appel à des scénaristes pour réfléchir à diverses possibilités d'attentats. Il semble que les scénaristes tirent beaucoup de contenu de ces échanges.

 "Mr. Lewis is a remarkably talented actor who manages to convey every nuance of Brody’s multiple, ever-changing identities. But Brody’s doomed love affair with Carrie lost some of its zing with second chances. When the two were alone at last in a rustic, candlelit Iranian safe house — a Persian version of the lakeside cottage where they first had sex — it was hard not to smirk a bit.

 The poignancy of their last moments, making eye contact across a wire fence and crowds of angry Iranian demonstrators, was undercut by faint hints and visual red herrings, allowing viewers to believe that Brody would somehow escape the noose at the last second.

Carrie, however, sees firsthand that he is a goner. As he dangles from the neck, she even climbs the fence calling his name, and an Iranian guard hits the barrier hard with a riot stick, causing her to fall and miss his final death throes.

 There was nothing unbelievable about the final outcome, and that too was a little anticlimactic. It turns out that Saul’s efforts to infiltrate the Iranian government worked: As they relax over the morning newspaper, Mira reads a headline saying the Iranians have agreed to pause their nuclear program if the West removes sanctions — a breakthrough that in real life is unfolding in real time.

Caricature savon antibactérien et Congrès


 Caricature qui fait suite aux recherches menées par la FDA aux États-Unis sur l'efficacité des savons antibactériens. Non seulement ne seraient-ils pas efficaces, ils pourraient même être dangereux. Comme le Congrès? "

“It’s a big deal that they are taking this on,” said Rolf Halden, the director of the Center for Environmental Security at Arizona State University, who has been tracking the issue for years. “These antimicrobials have taken on a life all of their own,” Dr. Halden said. “Their use has really proliferated.”

 Studies in animals have shown that the chemicals, triclosan in liquid soaps and triclocarban in bar soaps, can disrupt the normal development of the reproductive system and metabolism, and health experts warn that their effects could be the same in humans. The chemicals were originally used by surgeons to wash their hands before operations, and their use exploded in recent years as manufacturers added them to a variety of products, including mouthwash, laundry detergent, fabrics and baby pacifiers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the chemicals in the urine of three-quarters of Americans.

 The F.D.A. said that accumulated scientific information has prompted it to re-evaluate whether these chemicals are safe when used over long periods of time. The agency also said there was no evidence that the substances were any more effective in preventing infection than plain soap and water."

Caricature pape Marx


George Zimmerman le peintre: 100 000$ pour une de ses toiles?

Comment "créer" la valeur d'une "oeuvre"... Zimmerman est celui qui fut accusé, et acquitté, du meurtre de Trayvon Martin. Ses démêlées avec la justice sont bien documentées depuis l'acquittement.

George Zimmerman is selling a patriotic painting on eBay that has already amassed more than 90 bids, pushing the price of the painting to nearly $100,000.

Zimmerman's attorney Jayne Weintraub confirmed the artwork's authenticity when it was put up for auction on eBay. The auction began with a bid of $50, but soared to $99,966 after 98 bids as of 3 a.m. EST.

The signed, 18-by 24-inch painting features a blue American flag with a few words from the Pledge of Allegiance: "God," "one nation," "with liberty and justice for all."

Caricature Peter O'Toole (1932-2013)


 Caricature qui souligne le professionnalisme de l'acteur, mais aussi sa réputation de fêtard.

Tunisie divisée: les islamistes cèdent le pouvoir (NY Times)

Photographie du leader d'Ennahda (parti islamiste) Rachid Ghannouchi

 Depuis le début du printemps arabe j'ai réservé quelques entrées sur mon carnet web à la situation en Tunisie. je tentais de le faire dans le cadre des activités de mon carnet (tout ce qui touche à l'histoire ou à la politique intérieure et étrangère des États-Unis), mais aussi parce qu'après des séjours en Tunisie j'ai développé un attachement particulier pour ce pays et ses habitants qui nous ont si bien traités mes étudiants, mes collègues et moi. Je ne peux que souhaiter que les événements actuels permettent le développement d'un climat politique plus stable. Il y a bien des gens dont je n'ai plus entendu parlé depuis quelques années et j'espère qu'ils n'ont pas trop souffert de tous les bouleversements...

 "Tunisia had been careening toward chaos and political paralysis after two assassinations this year and an inability to finalize a new constitution, and it remains fragile and divided. But months of laborious back-room haggling led by two political leaders helped, at least for now, to avoid the kind of zero-sum politics that have come to define the post-Arab Spring tumult in Egypt, Libya and the battlefield of Syria.

 Beji Caid Essebsi, a former prime minister who leads a new secular-minded political party, Nidaa Tounes, and Rachid Ghannouchi, the leader of the Islamist party Ennahda, have starkly different visions of the country’s future. But since Tunisia’s political crisis flared this year, the two men have met one on one at least five times to try to find a political solution.

It has not been easy for either side, and in an indication of just how deep the divisions remain, the two could still not agree on a candidate to serve as interim prime minister. When the deal was announced late Saturday, between Ennahda and about half of the liberal parties in the opposition, Mehdi Jomaa, 50, the industry minister, was chosen as interim prime minister. But Mr. Essebsi did not sign on and could conceivably block cabinet picks.

 L'article au complet:

Caricature NSA et la justice


Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...